
September 15-22. NSS Head and Police Chief Resign

On September 16, at a press-conference RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced he had signed a resignation order on dismissing Artur Vanetsyan from the post of National Security Service Head.

Police Chief Valeri Osipyan was also dismissed on September 18, but on the same day he was appointed chief adviser to Prime Minister.

Both officials were appointed to the high posts in May, 2018, after the “velvet revolution” in Armenia, when Nikol Pashinyan and his team came to power. Both Vanetsyan and Osipyan had worked in the appropriate system for many years before being appointed to head posts of the power structures.

As an official reason for resignation, Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister Eduard Aghajanyan notes that PM was displeased with their activities in their posts.

Eduard Martirosyan has been appointed acting NSS director and Arman Sargsyan –  acting Police Chief. ″We will work in this status for some time, and I hope that the results of this period will be mutually satisfactory,″said Pashinyan.

NA Speaker on CC President’s Powers

On September 16, during his extraordinary speech NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan refered to the Constitutional Court and the situation created over it. He emphasized that NA should express its opinion taking into account the fact that it has the people’s primary mandate.

In his speech Mirzoyan noted that there are suspicions among public on the provision of the fair court, as on Robert Kocharyan’s application CC three members also were involved in the examination of the case on the outward biased basis towards the applicant. While CC did not take it into consideration.

On September 4, as a result of the case a decision was made and according to one of the presented special opinions the Court had shown unsubstantiated hastiness which had an impact on the decision.

While according to NA speaker Mirzoyan, that is of historical and political importance for Armenia as it refers to the encroachments directed against democracy and constitutional order in Armenia.

NA Speaker considers violation against CC autonomy the fact that in 2018 Hrayr Tovmasyan was elected CC President according to 2005 Constitution with the tenure until 2035. Thus, he deprived the CC judges of the possibility to elect President of the Court.

RA Independence day in Gyumri

On September 21, festive events dedicated to the 28th anniversary of Armenia were concentrated in Gyumri. By the decision of RA Government the independence day celebrations will be held in different cities of Armenia.

For the first time ″Hero of our time″ award ceremony took place, where the main prize went to tea producer Rita Martirosyan. It should be noted that this award is given to people who change their and their neighbours’ lives, make their own businesses and link the future with Armenia.

Gyumri was crowded on Independence Day. According to the press, an unprecedented number of guests and tourists arrived in Gyumri, even the hotels and guesthouses were not enough for everyone.

Robert Kocharyan to remain in Custody

On September 17, in the Court of General Juristiction of Yerevan, in Shengavit residence, Judge Anna Danibekyan made a decision not to change the preventive measure of RA Second President Robert Kocharyan. He will stay in custody. However, Kocharyan’s lawyers submitted a petition for their client to be let out on bail on a signature bond or on pledge. The court made its final verdict on September 20 rejecting the plaintiff’s motion again.

Kocharyan stands accused of overthrowing the constitutional order and taking bribe.

Accusation against Vladimir Gasparyan

Former police chief of Armenia Vladimir Gasparyan has been charged. He is charged for abuse of power. Signature not to leave has been selected as a precautionary measure against Gasparyan.

The Investigative Committee revealed that three military policemen of RA MoD starting from 2001, 2004, 2009 did not conduct their military service and served as driver and bodyguards for Serzh Sargsyan’s brothers, Lyova and Aleksandr.

According to RA Investigative Committee, Vladimir Gasparyan, being a MoD high-ranking official 1997-2009, for personal and group interests abused his official authority to get favorable treatment by the Sargsyans causing a loss of 21.7 mln drams (about US$ 57.000) to the state.

Strike against Amulsar Mine exploitation

It is already a year, the residents of Jermuk, Gndevaz and Kechut have been keeping the road of Amulsar mine blocked. On September 20 they went on strike.

Students started a march chanting ″Amulsar without Mine″, ″Amulsar – Only Mountain″ thus expressing their protest against Amulsar exploitation.  It should be noted that still on September 9, RA PM Nikol Pashinyan called on the residents of Jermuk to open the roads leading to Amulsar Mine, yet the roads are still blocked.

Translated by Mary Grigoryan

Ampop Media

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First Published: 24/09/2019