
July 27-August 2. Judge in Kocharyan’s Case Accused

On July 27, powers of Judge Davit Grigoryan were suspended for making official forgery. Grigoryan is the Judge in the case of RA second President Robert Kocharyan.

According to RA Prosecutor General’s Office, Davit Grigoryan is charged with attaching to 2 court cases a false paper protocol in September. According to the explanation of the Prosecutor General’s Office, protocol of the court session can be made in this way only in the absence of a system for recording court sessions.

Grigoryan has been the Judge in Kocharyan’s case since May, 2019.

On May 18, Grigoryan made a decision to substitute Kocharyan’s preventive measure (custody) for release.

The Judge does not admit charges against him. RA Special Investigation Service has not applied any preventive measure in this case.

“Sanitek” vs. Yerevan Municipality

On August 2, director of “Sanitek” LLC (garbage removal company of Yerevan) Nicholas Tawil, held a press conference via skype in Yerevan.

Earlier “Sanitek” announced that the press conference would be held in Tbilisi, Georgia, for which the company was ready to transport journalists from Armenia to a neighboring country. Anyhow, on the basis of hot debates, the company changed its mind and organized skype conference in Yerevan.

At the press conference, the director announced that “Sanitek” is under aggressive administrative pressure and there is a political decision to terminate the deal. Despite financial problems, the company is ready to invest US$ 4 mln for buying 500 new garbage cans a year and modernizing the car park, but this is only in the case when the municipality reviews the contract and raises the price. Otherwise, they will appeal to the arbitral tribunal.

Yerevan Mayor Hayk Marutyan responded to the company director’s statements in an interview with 1-in.am. According to him “Sanitek” simply cannot fulfill the taken obligations.” According to the contract, there should be 16000 metal bins in the capital, while we have only 90 ones at the moment,”says Marutyan. The mayor insists that price of the contract will not be raised and there is no reason to appeal to the arbitral tribunal. “With or without “Sanitek,” we will clean Yerevan,” noted Marutyan.

 Vehicle Customs Clearance checkpoint in Gyumri

On August 1, the Government allocated 181 mln drams  (about US$ 379.000) to the State Revenue Committee (SRC) to move the vehicle customs clearance checkpoint to Gyumri. This amount is for preparatory work, while the total preliminary cost of establishing customs house and related infrastructure is 2.2 billion drams (more than US$ 4.6mln).

Davit Ananyan, SRC head, said construction of the customs house will be over by October 2019. According to him, relocation is urgent, as unprecedented volumes of car imports from non-EU member states are expected.

According to official statistics, from January 1 to July 31 of this year 68000 cars were imported, while 67000 ones were imported during the whole previous year. PM Nikol Pashinyan first spoke about having a customs clearance checkpoint in Gyumri in April of this year, after visiting SRC structures.

Hurghada-Yerevan Flight Cancellation as Criminal Case

A criminal case has initiated in the case of Hurghada-Yerevan Flight Cancellation on July 25 for fraud characteristics.

As a result of cancellation of Yerevan-Hurghada-Yerevan flights, RA Government first allocated 47.2 mln drams (about US$99.000) and then 5.8 mln drams (more than US$ 12.000) to make possible the return of RA citizens. According to the RA Embassy in Egypt, the flight was cancelled because of tour operator’s failure to pay fees to the airlines.

2 New Canteens in MoD Military Units with New Service

On August 2, spokesperson of RA Ministry of Defense (MoD) Artsrun Hovhannisyan informed that from now on ″Art Lunch″ company will operate canteens of 2 military units.

Founder of the company Bakur Melkonyan also states the same. According to him several canteens per month will pass to the same service format.

“We will renovate all military canteens, change the whole tableware, furniture and refurbish the equipment,”he wrote.

According to PM Pashinyan, the new system is currently implemented in 8 military units.

It should be reminded that at the Government session of February 21, a pilot program was adopted to hand over the food supply to the private sector. Still on July 22, Minister of Defense Davit Tonoyan announced that six companies had won the tender for food delivery and organization.

Translated by Mary Grigoryan

Ampop Media

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First Published: 04/08/2019